Red Brick Villas wish you have a happy and prosperous year of the Rooster!
Geographical area
Nanzhuang is located in mid-north Taiwan. This town has a total area of 165 kilometers with a population of 10,663 people. Nanzhuang is mainly inhabited by Hakka people, Saisiyat and Atayal aboriginals, making it a good example of ethnic integration in Taiwan.
Rooms are available for reservation for 2017 Chinese Lunar New Year Holidays. There are only six days of Chinese New Year holidays this year, so please make sure that you make the reservation as soon as possible. Now using our online booking system will give you a 10% off disscount for your room price!
President Tsai Ing-Wen came to Nanchaung for the meeting of "Romanitc Provincial Highway Line No. 3 Project", and the meeting was took place at RBV. She met up with many local business owners and discussed about the Slow Recreational Industry Plan.